Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Iron Man 2

Rating: * *
Content: PG-13. No f-words or sex scenes, but plenty of cleavage and violence.
Missing the funny chip. The first Iron Man suspends your reality and masks any doubt with quick and clever humor. Iron Man 2 produced one cliche fight scene after another. Not a single female character to be proud of- just bouncing bikini bimbos shadowed by two undeveloped starlets. Pepper is smart, yes, but allows herself to be walked all over and flirted in front of. And Scarlett Johannsen should stop making movies for a while until she can pick a good role.
So unless you are a 17 year old boy, you really shouldn't like this movie.

1 comment:

  1. I was afraid of that. Too bad. The first Iron Man was fairly entertaining. I knew Iron Man 2 would struggle to live up to the first one. I HATE when movies try and play to the audience with sex, violence, unrealistic fight sequences and so on and so on.

    Thanks for the summary. I'll check here before ever seeing a movie!
